As I faced each tragedy in my life, I learned to reach into the depth of my soul for strength and determination. Through this healing process, I discovered perseverance and resilience. I could not go into the past and use White-Out to erase any events: instead, I had to find a way to use my pain to help me heal and grow. I had to stare darkness in the face and accept that I could not change the past, but I could build a better future.
-Living For Today-
-Living For Today-
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Stolen Innocence
Living For Today
An Unimaginable Act
By Erin Merryn By sharing her personal journey through the pain she has suffered at the hands of her perpetrators, author Erin Merryn proves that one person can make a difference in the lives of others. Simply by speaking out and bringing the subject of child sexual abuse to the forefront, she has created a wave of change—change not only in legislature, but also in the hearts of those around her and the world. In this thought-provoking book, readers will discover an in-depth, personal account of Erin's story and how—through using positive outlets—she was able to rebuild her life and heal from a childhood filled with sexual abuse. Part memoir, part resource guide, Erin shares with readers key organizations that provide essential support for victims and caregivers, warning signs that a child who is being abused might display, and why Erin's Law is so essential. "An Unimaginable Act is a wake-up call to society on a silent epidemic one brave confident woman refuses to stay silent about. Through the trauma and obstacles she has faced in her life, Erin takes readers on a remarkable journey of resilience, faith, courage, and forgiveness. She shares how she turned tragedy into triumph, which has led her on an unstoppable crusade to give children the voice she never had as a child through a very important law that will protect children for generations to come." —Julianna Margulies, Actress |
Bailey No Ordinary CatMeet the extraordinary cat who's melting hearts around the world....... What is it about Bailey that has cat lovers and non-cat lovers alike clamoring for more?
Perhaps it's his monk-like patience, his incredible bond with his human family, or his penchant for doing things that are demonstratively un-catlike. Whether he's donning tiaras, taking bubble baths, riding in strollers, or nuzzling to the heartfelt rendition of "You Are My Sunshine," that went viral on practically every news outlet across the globe, Bailey proves he's No Ordinary Cat. Now, with his best-of collection of Bailey moments, you can carry your own pocket dose of sunshine wherever you go. Facebook: Bailey No Ordinary Cat Instagram: Bailey_no_ordinary_cat |
Letters to Erin

Hi, my name is Christina. I have literally just finished reading your book Stolen Innocence ten minutes ago. I am not quite sure why I am writing this email, but it was in hopes that it would find its way to you. I wanted to thank you. It is because of your book that I found the strength to finally report my abuser. I was a victim of sexual abuse for nine years of my life, my abuser was a family member who lived in the same house as me. I was taken out of my home only a year and a half ago and moved into a temporary home to live. The people who took me in ended up adopting me a short six months ago. Even with my completely new life I found it impossible to express the pain I was experiencing because of the abuse I lived through. No matter how hard I tried I could not get anyone around me to understand what it was like. I felt completely alone in this world. I thought i was a freak and that there was no one on the earth who could possibly understand what it was like to live how I did.
But by the grace of god I found your book three days ago. I am not sure what drew me to it, but I knew I needed to read it. It was as if you had taken entries out of my own journal. I am still amazed by some of the things which you wrote in your book, they are the same exact things I was feeling, thinking and doing. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This book is beautifully written, and I can only imagine all the strength and courage it took for you to write it. I have given the book to my adoptive parents to read because I feel this will be the best way to communicate with them the things I am going through. They have read countless books trying to understand what it must have been like for me, countless manuals on how to talk to me, but I truly believe your book is the last book they are going to need. It shows it all. There are a million things I would like to ask, and say to you. But I think its best if I end this now, for I'm not even sure this is going to reach you. But if it does the final message I would like to send across is how much this book has helped me. Helped me in knowing that there are people out there who have survived this, helped me feel not alone, but mostly helped me in seeing that I can get through this.
Once again Thank You,
I happened to be in a bookstore one day and picked up your book. As soon as I read the back I knew I had to get it! I too, am a victim/survivor of sexual abuse. The reason I'm contacting you is because your book was as if I was reading my own life story. (with a few differences) If I went through your book and hi-lighted everything that we had in common, I would run out of hi-lighters! I was abused by my cousin... but mine only lasted one night. I don't think it was by chance that I found your book. I know that God has a path for me that I didn't really understand. But after reading your book I know what I want to do with my life. Ever since it happened, I knew that I wanted to do something to help others with similar situations, but I didn't know where to start. I have already helped others with their pain and speaking out, but I want to do more, help more people, make more people aware! I want you to know that your book has helped me so much. I am just coming out of my depression and was debating whether or not there was an end to my pain. I know now that there isn't, but your book helped me in knowing that I can get through even the toughest days. And that in the end things will get better, and to never give up because it only makes you weaker. Thank you so much, Carrie
I am a 25 yr old female finishing up my Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology. I have been interning for almost a year now at a Child Advocacy Center in Upstate NY, working with children and families who have been forced to deal with abuse on one level or another. In addition, I work as a counselor at a group home for emotionally disturbed teenage girls. My internship supervisor recommended I read your book, and while it was not a thriller so to speak, I found I could not put it down. I guess more than anything, I wanted to thank you for helping to give me a better understanding of the people I work with and the difficulties they encounter. I think you are an extremely brave woman. So many of the cases I deal with are of children victimized by their own family members, people they never imagined capable of such ill things. Your triumphant journey just proves that people can overcome abuse and it gives me hope for all the children and teenagers who I see in pain on a daily basis and the work that I do. You took pieces of your private life, that many of us would be too ashamed or embarrassed to share with the world, and have laid it all out there for everyone to see. I admire your strength... and because you feel so strongly about these issues I know you will go on to be an advocate for life. I feel more and more passionate about the work that I do everyday and hearing about a survivor like you makes me feel like certain that I have a purpose in this field. Best wishes, Jamie
I would like to tell you that your book has been very insightful and has given me a lot of answers and peace of mind in regards to some issues that I have faced in my lifetime similar to yours. I have always been too afraid and a embarrassed to talk about the abuse that I suffered in my childhood and was devastated when the girl I had fallen in love with revealed the same secret to me about her past. Our relationship was never the same and I went through a great amount of emotional pain for her but never had the courage to try and start a healing process so that we could grow together because I didn't want to stir up broken memories for her or myself. Reading your book I believe helped me understand what she might have gone through and also gave me a sense in understanding feelings that I have hidden within my soul for pretty much my whole life. One day I hope to muster the courage that you posess and openly discuss my past so that I can let go and truly live free along with my friend who is one of the people that I love and care for and who I left hanging when she tried to reach out to me and take me on a journey of healing that would have benefeit both of us. Thank you for writing this book and being a hero to so many people including myself. Keep being an inspiration and GOD BLESS YOU! -Mark
I just finished reading your book today and I wanted to thank you for having the courage to publish your story. You have helped me very much. I know that there are so many people out there in the world who has survived sexual abuse, but to read your story has helped me feel like I am not so alone in the world. I do not know if I will ever be able to forgive my father, but I hope to one day not feel the impact of his abuse every waking moment. I was abused for eight years and held on to the dark secret until I had a breakdown at 21 and was placed in a psychiatric hospital. It was there that I spoke for the first time. Now that my silence has been broken I am not ever going to be quiet again. I to am writing a memoir, and I hope that it will be able to help others the way yours has helped me. Once again, thank you so much for your story. You are like an angel who was sent to help shed light on my otherwise dark life. -Jenny
No doubt, you have read many letters thanking you for encouraging them and explaining just how much your books meant to them. So, in a way, I suppose this won't really mean much --- but I wanted to tell you that after reading your books, I finally found the strength to speak up about what had happened long ago. I was sexually abused by one of my mom's boyfriends when I was seven years old. Thank you so much for being a light and a testimony of God's healing grace to everyone around you. Erin, you are such an amazing woman, and I am so blown away by all that you have accomplished. God has used you, and your story to inspire many, including myself, and encourage them to stop living in silence. Again, I cannot fully describe to you how much your story/work means to me. I am so completely inspired and encouraged by you, Erin. You are truly amazing. May God bless all that you do. You are in my prayers, and will forever be embedded in my heart as a hero and role model. Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. I hope that someday I can inspire others with my story in similar ways that you have inspired me. - Emily
I know that we will never meet and I know that you probably hear from many people just like me. I am very admirable with what you have been able to turn your life into. I am so glad that you have been able to take your life and speak out to help others.... Others like you...and me. Last Saturday, I began your book "Living for Today". Tonight I finished. I am still trying to find my voice. Still trying to find answers. Still trying to get on with my life. After reading your book i feel a little more confident that i am going to be alright . I will find my voice. I will get my justice. I will not have to continue to be a victim but i need to start looking at myself as a survivor. Thank you for showing me that there is hope and good things can come. -Kate
I would like to thank you for writing the books “Stolen Innocence” and “Living for Today”. There are not enough words to express how much I appreciate your books. I am sorry that you had to endure such pain. No child should have to go thru that, but unfortunately it does happen. As I read your first book, I have to admit that I couldn’t put it down. I also have to tell you that it also scared me at the same time. As I read your story, I saw so much of my daughter in your character. I had to finish your book so that I could see what happened to “my daughter” sort of speaking. The words that you printed sounded like they were being said by my daughter. I could almost tell you the nightmares that you had but with a little different version. As I read your book, it was as if I was reading about my daughter’s life. I just wish that she was as brave as you are. I wish that she could find her voice like you did.
– Kristen
But by the grace of god I found your book three days ago. I am not sure what drew me to it, but I knew I needed to read it. It was as if you had taken entries out of my own journal. I am still amazed by some of the things which you wrote in your book, they are the same exact things I was feeling, thinking and doing. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This book is beautifully written, and I can only imagine all the strength and courage it took for you to write it. I have given the book to my adoptive parents to read because I feel this will be the best way to communicate with them the things I am going through. They have read countless books trying to understand what it must have been like for me, countless manuals on how to talk to me, but I truly believe your book is the last book they are going to need. It shows it all. There are a million things I would like to ask, and say to you. But I think its best if I end this now, for I'm not even sure this is going to reach you. But if it does the final message I would like to send across is how much this book has helped me. Helped me in knowing that there are people out there who have survived this, helped me feel not alone, but mostly helped me in seeing that I can get through this.
Once again Thank You,
I happened to be in a bookstore one day and picked up your book. As soon as I read the back I knew I had to get it! I too, am a victim/survivor of sexual abuse. The reason I'm contacting you is because your book was as if I was reading my own life story. (with a few differences) If I went through your book and hi-lighted everything that we had in common, I would run out of hi-lighters! I was abused by my cousin... but mine only lasted one night. I don't think it was by chance that I found your book. I know that God has a path for me that I didn't really understand. But after reading your book I know what I want to do with my life. Ever since it happened, I knew that I wanted to do something to help others with similar situations, but I didn't know where to start. I have already helped others with their pain and speaking out, but I want to do more, help more people, make more people aware! I want you to know that your book has helped me so much. I am just coming out of my depression and was debating whether or not there was an end to my pain. I know now that there isn't, but your book helped me in knowing that I can get through even the toughest days. And that in the end things will get better, and to never give up because it only makes you weaker. Thank you so much, Carrie
I am a 25 yr old female finishing up my Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology. I have been interning for almost a year now at a Child Advocacy Center in Upstate NY, working with children and families who have been forced to deal with abuse on one level or another. In addition, I work as a counselor at a group home for emotionally disturbed teenage girls. My internship supervisor recommended I read your book, and while it was not a thriller so to speak, I found I could not put it down. I guess more than anything, I wanted to thank you for helping to give me a better understanding of the people I work with and the difficulties they encounter. I think you are an extremely brave woman. So many of the cases I deal with are of children victimized by their own family members, people they never imagined capable of such ill things. Your triumphant journey just proves that people can overcome abuse and it gives me hope for all the children and teenagers who I see in pain on a daily basis and the work that I do. You took pieces of your private life, that many of us would be too ashamed or embarrassed to share with the world, and have laid it all out there for everyone to see. I admire your strength... and because you feel so strongly about these issues I know you will go on to be an advocate for life. I feel more and more passionate about the work that I do everyday and hearing about a survivor like you makes me feel like certain that I have a purpose in this field. Best wishes, Jamie
I would like to tell you that your book has been very insightful and has given me a lot of answers and peace of mind in regards to some issues that I have faced in my lifetime similar to yours. I have always been too afraid and a embarrassed to talk about the abuse that I suffered in my childhood and was devastated when the girl I had fallen in love with revealed the same secret to me about her past. Our relationship was never the same and I went through a great amount of emotional pain for her but never had the courage to try and start a healing process so that we could grow together because I didn't want to stir up broken memories for her or myself. Reading your book I believe helped me understand what she might have gone through and also gave me a sense in understanding feelings that I have hidden within my soul for pretty much my whole life. One day I hope to muster the courage that you posess and openly discuss my past so that I can let go and truly live free along with my friend who is one of the people that I love and care for and who I left hanging when she tried to reach out to me and take me on a journey of healing that would have benefeit both of us. Thank you for writing this book and being a hero to so many people including myself. Keep being an inspiration and GOD BLESS YOU! -Mark
I just finished reading your book today and I wanted to thank you for having the courage to publish your story. You have helped me very much. I know that there are so many people out there in the world who has survived sexual abuse, but to read your story has helped me feel like I am not so alone in the world. I do not know if I will ever be able to forgive my father, but I hope to one day not feel the impact of his abuse every waking moment. I was abused for eight years and held on to the dark secret until I had a breakdown at 21 and was placed in a psychiatric hospital. It was there that I spoke for the first time. Now that my silence has been broken I am not ever going to be quiet again. I to am writing a memoir, and I hope that it will be able to help others the way yours has helped me. Once again, thank you so much for your story. You are like an angel who was sent to help shed light on my otherwise dark life. -Jenny
No doubt, you have read many letters thanking you for encouraging them and explaining just how much your books meant to them. So, in a way, I suppose this won't really mean much --- but I wanted to tell you that after reading your books, I finally found the strength to speak up about what had happened long ago. I was sexually abused by one of my mom's boyfriends when I was seven years old. Thank you so much for being a light and a testimony of God's healing grace to everyone around you. Erin, you are such an amazing woman, and I am so blown away by all that you have accomplished. God has used you, and your story to inspire many, including myself, and encourage them to stop living in silence. Again, I cannot fully describe to you how much your story/work means to me. I am so completely inspired and encouraged by you, Erin. You are truly amazing. May God bless all that you do. You are in my prayers, and will forever be embedded in my heart as a hero and role model. Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. I hope that someday I can inspire others with my story in similar ways that you have inspired me. - Emily
I know that we will never meet and I know that you probably hear from many people just like me. I am very admirable with what you have been able to turn your life into. I am so glad that you have been able to take your life and speak out to help others.... Others like you...and me. Last Saturday, I began your book "Living for Today". Tonight I finished. I am still trying to find my voice. Still trying to find answers. Still trying to get on with my life. After reading your book i feel a little more confident that i am going to be alright . I will find my voice. I will get my justice. I will not have to continue to be a victim but i need to start looking at myself as a survivor. Thank you for showing me that there is hope and good things can come. -Kate
I would like to thank you for writing the books “Stolen Innocence” and “Living for Today”. There are not enough words to express how much I appreciate your books. I am sorry that you had to endure such pain. No child should have to go thru that, but unfortunately it does happen. As I read your first book, I have to admit that I couldn’t put it down. I also have to tell you that it also scared me at the same time. As I read your story, I saw so much of my daughter in your character. I had to finish your book so that I could see what happened to “my daughter” sort of speaking. The words that you printed sounded like they were being said by my daughter. I could almost tell you the nightmares that you had but with a little different version. As I read your book, it was as if I was reading about my daughter’s life. I just wish that she was as brave as you are. I wish that she could find her voice like you did.
– Kristen